From left to right: Deacon Scott Saunders, Elder David Francisco, Elder David Keck, Pastor Jonathan Moersch, Deacon Matt Ireland, Deacon Randy Carlson
Part of being a presbyterian church is that we are led by elders (from the Greek word, presbyteros). We see this clearly taught in Scripture in passages such as I Timothy 3 and Titus 1. Particular men who are recognized as gifted by the Lord to rule in his church (Romans 12:8, I Corinthians 12:28) and are chosen by the people are termed “ruling elders” and they, together with the pastor (literally, “shepherd”), form the session of the church, its overseeing body.
Not only is the church tasked with the ministry of the Word and Prayer, but also to ensure that the physical needs of the saints are provided for (Acts 6). To oversee and facilitate the ministry of mercy, the Lord has gifted particular men to serve as deacons (literally, “servants”) in his church.
Pastor Jonathan Moersch
Jonathan Moersch was born and raised in Southern California in a Christian home. As he grew in his understanding of God’s Word, he came to embrace the doctrines articulated by the Protestant Reformation as being a more faithful expressions of the teaching of Scripture. He graduated from Westminster Seminary California in 2008 with a M.Div. degree and was ordained to gospel ministry in 2009. In 2012 he was called by the Southern Californian Presbytery of the OPC to serve as a church planter for Trinity Presbyterian Church in Capistrano Beach. In 2016, Trinity Presbyterian became a new and separate congregation and Jonathan was called as its pastor. He and his wife, Kristin, have three boys.